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    1. REGULATION (EC) No 1935/2004 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 October 2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and repealing Directives 80/590/EEC and 89/109/EEC
    2. D.M. n°34 del 21.03.1973 della GU 104 e successive modifiche (leg. italiana)
    3. Arretè du 25.11.1992 (JO du 17/12/92) (leg. francese)
    4. Décret 92-631 du 08/07/92 (leg. francese)
    5. Norme NF EN 1186, parties 1,2 et 3
    6. Direttiva europea CEE n° 82/711 del 18/10/82 e successive modifiche (leg. Europea)
    7. Direttiva europea CEE n° 85/572 del 19/12/85 e successive modifiche (leg. Europea)
      • BGVV (leg. Tedesca)
      • Gesamtmigration: § 35 LMBG, B80.30-1 bis 3 (leg. tedesca)
      • Sensorik: § 35 LMBG, L 00.90-7 und DIN 10955 (leg. tedesca)
      • Peroxidreste: Bundesgesundheitsbl. 21, 35 (1978) (leg. tedesca)
      • Flüchtige organiche Bestandteile: Bundesgesundheitsbl. 25, 334 (1982) (leg. tedesca)
      • FDA (leg. statunitense)

Silicone gloves and trivets (D.P.I) are certified CE according to the referring technical regulations:

      • EN 420:2003
      • EN 388:2003
      • EN 407:2004

According to Directive 89/686/CEE

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