Customer Service

Customer Service

  • +39 041 5190550

Privacy Policy provided pursuant to art. 13 of the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and request of explicit consent for the processing of personal data collected from the data subject  

The company SILIKOMART S.r.l., whose registered office is at Mellaredo di Pianiga (VE), via Tagliamento 78, VAT nr. 03712840283, as personal data Controller (hereinafter referred to as “SILIKOMART” and/or “Controller”), as defined by applicable law, whose contact details are:

Tel. +39 041 5190550 – Fax +39 041 5190290

informs you, in accordance to the provisions of art. 13 of the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”), that it take the role of personal data Controller as regards the data that you supply by your own. The Controller shall process your personal data for the purposes and with the means indicated below.

This Privacy Policy, in accordance with the provisions of art. 13 of GDPR, is provided for the website (“Website”) and for the websites connected to it, including,, and for the blog, but not for other websites eventually visited through external link.

Pursuant to the art. 12 and subsq. of the applicable law, SILIKOMART informs you that the personal data that you supply by your own shall be registered, be processed and be kept in paper and electronic archives, in accordance with appropriate technical and organisational measures as indicated in the art. 32 of GDPR. The processing of personal data shall be made through the use of suitable instruments and procedures to guarantee the security and confidentially of these data.

If you provide to SILIKOMART personal data of third subjects, you shall be an independent Data Controller, taking all obligations and responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of law. You shall indemnify and hold harmless SILIKOMART against claims and liabilities arising out of a voluntary sending towards SILIKOMART of third parties data that you made, with an infringement of the data protection applicable law. If you provide to SILIKOMART personal data of third parties, you shall ensure that the processing is based on a suitable legal basis pursuant to the art. 6 of GDPR.

1. Purpose and legal basis for the processing that NOT request the explicit consent fo the data subject – Mandatory nature of data provision

Your personal data shall be processed for the following purposes:

a)to enter into and to perform an agreement concerning products and/or services offered by SILIKOMART and to satisfy your after-sales demands regarding products and/or services purchased;
b) fulfilment of tax or accounting obligations;
c) for the customer management (customer administration, agreements administration, purchase orders, shipments, invoices);
d) to establish, exercise or defend a rights in a legal claims, in an administrative claims, during an arbitration process or a conciliation procedure, in the cases listed by laws, regulations or European legislation;
e) to compliance with obligations under the law, regulations, European legislation or an order of the public authority.

The processing indicated on the previous points a), b), c), d), e) is necessary for the performance of the service requested by the user. SILIKOMART doesn’t have any obligation to acquire explicit consent to process personal data, as the legal basis for the processing of your personal data for the aforementioned purpose is art. 6 (1)(b) of GDPR (“[...]processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract”) and the art. 6 (1)(c) of GDPR (“processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject”);

2. Purpose and legal basis for the processing that request the explicit consent of the data subject – Optional nature of data provision

With your prior consent, your personal data may be processed by SILIKOMART for the following purposes:

f) marketing: through sending newsletter or e-mail to propose offers and marketing initiatives relating to SILIKOMART products and/or services. The processing of personal data for this purpose will be possible exclusively with the explicit consent of the data subject, pursuant to the art. 6(1)(a) of GDPR. The data subject shall have the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time as described on point 6 or through the erasure link contained in every e-mail. The refusal to provide or the withdrawal of consent shall not affect the execution of the agreement.

g) customer satisfaction: the processing activities aimed at collect information on your purchasing experiences. The processing of personal data for this purpose will be possible exclusively with the explicit consent of the data subject, pursuant to the art. 6(1)(a) of GDPR. The data subject shall have the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time as described on point 6 or through the erasure link contained in every e-mail. The refusal to provide or the withdrawal of consent shall not affect the execution of the agreement.

Referring to the marketing activity and customer satisfaction, the refusal of data subject explicit consent to the processing shall forbid SILIKOMART to carry out these activities, but shall non affect the execution of the activities consequent to the agreement. The data subject shall have the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time; the withdrawal shall not affect the execution of the obligations deriving by the agreement. The data may not be used for profiling activities.

3. Recipient or categories of recipients of personal data

Personal data may be disclosure, limited to what is necessary, to the following categories of recipients:

1) people authorised, appropriately trained by the Controller, to process the personal data, who have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality;
2) third parties personnel who provide services to the Controller and who process personal data on behalf of the Controller as Data Processor, such as:
- companies or specialists, that provide assistance activities and advisory services in legal, administrative, tax, accounting or financial matters with which the Controller is entered into an agreement pursuant and in accordance with the provisions of art. 28 of GDPR;
- third companies that manage blog and/or marketing campaigns, with which the Controller is entered into an agreement pursuant and in accordance with the provisions of art. 28 of GDPR;

3) company by which Controller is controlled and/or companies associated; Personal data may be disclosure to competent Courts, if it is required by applicable law.

Referring to the subjects indicated on points nr. 1 and 2 only the category of recipients is indicated, as it is frequently reviewed and updated.

4. Transfer of personal data to a third country

Your personal data may be sent abroad, within and/or outside of the European Community. SILIKOMART ensures that the recipients shall process your paper and electronic personal data in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law and pursuant to the art. 45 (Transfers on the basis of an adequacy decision) and 46 (Transfers subject to appropriate safeguards) of GDPR.

5. Period for which the personal data will be stored

Personal data will be stored for the period strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes of the processing for which data subject has given his/her explicit consent:

- for the purposes indicated on point 2 a), b), c), d) e), for the period necessary to fulfil the obligations deriving from the agreement, anyway no more than 10 years from the collection of your data to fulfil obligations deriving from applicable law, and no more than the expiration of the period of limitation of the rights set by laws.

- for the purposes listed in point 2 f), g), for 24 (twenty-four) months from the date in which the data subject has consented to processing.

6. Processing methods

Pursuant to the art. 12 and subsq. of the applicable law, SILIKOMART informs you that the personal data that you supply by your own shall be registered, be processed and be kept in paper and electronic archives, in accordance with appropriate technical and organisational measures as indicated in the art. 32 of GDPR. Processing of personal data is any operation or set of operations as indicated on art. 4.1, point 2 of GDPR. The processing of personal data shall be made through the use of suitable instruments and procedures to guarantee the security and confidentially of these data; it can be carried out directly or through third parties, both manually with paper supports and with electronic instruments. For the proper handling of contractual arrangements and for the compliance to legal obligations, the data can be inserted in the Controller’s internal documentation and, if it is necessary, on statutory books and records.

7. Rights of Data Subject

Pursuant to the article 15 and subsq. of GDPR, data subject has the right to ask to SILIKOMART, in every moments, the access to his/her personal data, the rectification or the erasure of the same, the restriction of processing concerning the data subject in the cases listed in art. 18 of GDPR or to object to processing in the cases listed in art. 21 of GDPR, or to receive his/her personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, in the cases listed in art. 20 of GDPR.

The aforementioned rights may be exercised by sending an appropriate request to the Data Controller through the contact channels indicated in the epigraph of this policy, and in particular to the following email address:

Requests relating to the exercise of user rights will be processed without undue delay and, in any case, within one month of the request; only in cases of particular complexity and the number of requests this deadline may be extended by an additional 2 (two) months.

In any case, the user always has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (personal data protection guarantor), in accordance with Article 77 of the Regulation, if he/she believes that the processing of his/her personal data is contrary to the legislation in force.

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